Putting Design To Its Prime

Based in South Western Sydney we service builders and projects across Sydney Metropolitan, Blue Mountains, Illawarra-South Coast, Central Coast and Newcastle Region.

Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering

We provide practical and cost-effective structural engineering solutions in the Residential, Commercial and Light – Industrial sectors. Our projects range from small residential additions & alterations to multi-storey apartments and industrial warehouses & buildings.


Our engineers specialise in the design of stormwater management systems for projects ranging from alterations and additions, small residential dwellings, multi-level residential dwellings, aged and child care facilities. Our plans are undertaken for development applications, complying development certificates and construction certificate applications.

We undertake flood studies and flood management reports for flood affected properties using the latest software packages. We also provide certificates and reports for CDC submissions in flood affected areas.

Our civil engineers have the experience and expertise to guide you with sustainable, fast and economic solutions, no matter the stage or scale of your project. This includes road design, water sensitive urban design (WSUD), stormwater drainage and civil structures.


Geotechnical engineering relies on the testing of materials to determine chemical properties. At PEC we work alongside our colleagues to carry out soil testing for pollutants, absorption, salinity, and shrinkage.

Additionally, we also conduct reports for Virgin Excavated Material VENM and Excavated Natural Material ENM classification in accordance with the EPA. 

Based in South Western Sydney we service builders and projects across Sydney Metropolitan, Blue Mountains, Illawarra-South Coast, Central Coast and Newcastle Region.


©2021 Prime Engineering Consultants

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